RTD recognizes Transit Police Officers on Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
RTD is recognizing its Transit Police officers and their important work for Denver metro communities and RTD customers in honor of Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, Jan. 9.
“National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day is for those who appreciate the many services that members of law enforcement provide to demonstrate their support. Police officers, like those who serve RTD employees and customers, have thankless and oftentimes dangerous jobs. As I know all too well, officers perform those duties and choose to run towards danger because they take a solemn oath to protect and serve the community. They leave their families daily knowing they may be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of people who they may never know, because they chose a life dedicated to public service,” RTD Chief of Police and Emergency Management Dr. Joel Fitzgerald, Sr. said.
RTD has grown its force to 69 full-time Colorado Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST)-certified police officers to support customers, employees and RTD’s code of conduct – Respect the Ride – to create a welcoming transit environment. In 2023, the department experienced its largest growth in the agency’s history.
Additionally, 23 Transit Police recruits are starting regional police academies this month. RTD has a short-term goal of hiring approximately 30 more officers, an additional mental health clinician, to bring the total to five, and four additional employees dedicated to homeless outreach in 2024.
“The meaningful work of the members of RTD’s Transit Police and Emergency Management Department is a calling, and its demands and impacts are seen and felt by families, friends, colleagues and RTD’s customers,” said General Manager and CEO Debra A. Johnson. “I, too, recognize all they do, and I could not be prouder of the team members who constitute the growing department. Their efforts directly benefit the health of our region.”
Customer safety remains a top priority and RTD continues to take steps so that customers and employees feel safe, and the agency is continuing to monitor service areas to address concerns.
RTD will continue to add officers in high traffic areas and provides more coverage at stations, facilities, park and rides and on vehicles across the service area. RTD also installed high-resolution cameras at Park-n-Rides across the district to help identify and deter criminals.
Customer feedback is an important part of supporting our officers because it helps the RTD police department to determine the areas where officers are needed most. The RTD Transit Watch app (available in English and Spanish) provides customers an easy and convenient way to report suspicious and criminal activities that occur on RTD property to our transit police 24/7. To report safety and security concerns, customers may also contact Transit Watch via the following phone numbers:
Call: 303-299-2911
Text: 303-434-9100
“Please use this day to actively or passively show our domestic guardians at RTD and in your communities that you appreciate their service, and more importantly, that you understand how difficult their jobs can be,” Fitzgerald said.
Ways in which to honor police officers to commemorate Law Enforcement Appreciation Day include:
- If you see a police officer, take a moment to thank the officer
- Wear an item of blue clothing in support of law enforcement
- Send a card of support to your local police department or state agency
- Share a story about a positive law enforcement experience on social media and/or with their respective department
- Ask your children or those in your community to write letters in support of law enforcement
- Participate in Project Blue Light by proudly displaying a blue light in support of law enforcement
RTD is hiring. To apply to become a Transit Police officer, please visit here.